Saudi Arabia Becomes More Bizarre, Muslim Brotherhood Strikes Back

The barbaric murder of Jamal Kashoggi has not simmered down yet. There was some sign that the world was beginning to forget about it, but Turkish President Recip Tayyib Erdogan did something quite unprecedented. 

Erdogan wrote a newspaper article about Khashoggi's murderand had it published in the Washington Post, three days ago on 2nd November, 2018.  Here is Erdogan's article:

By Recep Tayyip Erdogan November 2 
Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the president of Turkey.

The story is all too familiar: Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi journalist and a family man, entered Saudi Arabia’s Consulate in Istanbul on Oct. 2 for marriage formalities. No one – not even his fiancee, who was waiting outside the compound — has ever seen him again.

Over the course of the past month, Turkey has moved heaven and earth to shed light on all aspects of this case

As a result of our efforts, the world has learned that Khashoggi was killed in cold blood by a death squad, and it has been established that his murder was premeditated.

Yet there are other, no less significant questions whose answers will contribute to our understanding of this deplorable act. 

  • Where is Khashoggi’s body? 
  • Who is the “local collaborator” to whom Saudi officials claimed to have handed over Khashoggi’s remains? 
  • Who gave the order to kill this kind soul
Unfortunately, the Saudi authorities have refused to answer those questions.

We know the perpetrators are among the 18 suspects detained in Saudi Arabia. We also know those individuals came to carry out their orders: Kill Khashoggi and leave. 

Finally, we know the order to kill Khashoggi came from the highest levels of the Saudi government.

Some seem to hope this “problem” will go away in time. But we will keep asking those questions, which are crucial to the criminal investigation in Turkey, but also to Khashoggi’s family and loved ones. 

A month after his killing, we still do not know where his body is. 

At the very least, he deserves a proper burial in line with Islamic customs. We owe it to his family and friends, including his former colleagues at The Post, to give them an opportunity to say their goodbyes and pay their respects to this honorable man

To ensure that the world will keep asking the same questions, we have shared the evidence with our friends and allies, including the United States.

As we continue to look for answers, I would like to stress that Turkey and Saudi Arabia enjoy friendly relations. I do not believe for a second that King Salman, the custodian of the holy mosques, ordered the hit on Khashoggi. Therefore, I have no reason to believe that his murder reflected Saudi Arabia’s official policy. 

In this sense, it would be wrong to view the Khashoggi slaying as a “problem” between two countries. Nonetheless, I must add that our friendship with Riyadh, which goes back a long time, doesn’t mean we will turn a blind eye to the premeditated murder that unfolded in front of our very eyes. The killing of Khashoggi is inexplicable. Had this atrocity taken place in the United States or elsewhere, authorities in those countries would have gotten to the bottom of what happened. It would be out of the question for us to act any other way.

No one should dare to commit such acts on the soil of a NATO ally again. If anyone chooses to ignore that warning, they will face severe consequences. The Khashoggi murder was a clear violation and a blatant abuse of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Failure to punish the perpetrators could set a very dangerous precedent.

This is another reason we were shocked and saddened by the efforts of certain Saudi officials to cover up Khashoggi’s premeditated murder rather than serve the cause of justice, as our friendship would require. 

Though Riyadh has detained 18 suspects, it is deeply concerning that no action has been taken against the Saudi consul general, who lied through his teeth to the media and fled Turkey shortly afterward

Likewise, the refusal of the Saudi public prosecutor — who recently visited his counterpart in Istanbul — to cooperate with the investigation and answer even simple questions is very frustrating. 

His invitation of Turkish investigators to Saudi Arabia for more talks about the case felt like a desperate and deliberate stalling tactic.

The murder of Jamal Khashoggi involves a lot more than a group of security officials, just as the Watergate scandal was bigger than a break-in and the 9/11 terror attacks went beyond the hijackers. As responsible members of the international community, we must reveal the identities of the puppetmasters behind Khashoggi’s killing and discover those in whom Saudi officials — still trying to cover up the murder — have placed their trust.

My comments :  A month has passed since Kashoggi's brutal murder inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, perpetrated by Saudi agents sent by the Crown Prince MBS. 

The consensus is Khashoggi was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. If not, he was certainly a strong supporter of the Brotherhood. On the other hand Recip Tayyip Erdogan the President of Turkey is now the defacto "head" of the worldwide octopus known as the Muslim Brotherhood.  Yes, Erdogan is the boss-man of the Ikhwan.

Ever since el Sisi arrested almost the entire leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and threw them into jail, the organisation has become haywire. However the Brotherhood does have plenty strategists working in almost all Muslim countries, including of course Turkey. Their "struggle" continues.  And Erdogan is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who also happens to run a country - Turkey. 

The Muslim Brotherhood is now regrouping - for the past 90 years, since they were founded in 1928, they have always been regrouping. 

Being another "religious" organisation that does not have its feet planted in the real world they exist by promising imaginary visions, delusions and other "undeliverables".  In such an impossible situation it is important that they have enemies. The presence of enemies assist them to divert the attention of their supporters away from their  failure of non delivery.  They cannot deliver anything. 

Saudi Arabia is a good enemy.  Corrupt, an American puppet, brutal dictatorship,  strange Salafi / Wahabi ideology (but not totally unacceptable to the Brotherhood).  

In the month after Khashoggi's murder, the Muslim Brotherhood has had time to ponder things and plot its next course of action to embarrass Saudi Arabia, the US, the West and particularly Donald Trump.

The Khashoggi murder is now becoming a Muslim Brotherhood game plan to get rid of King Salman, the Crown Prince and maybe the Saud clan altogether.

Hence Erdogan's personal article published in the Washington Post three days ago on November 2nd, 2018.  

The Saudis are reacting. But in their totally foolish and buffoon way. Here is The Star today :

(Reuters) - Saudi billionaire Prince Talal said investigation will exonerate Saudi leader

Saudi should release findings of murder investigation 
would exonerate Saudi leader, Alwaleed said on Fox News 
I believe crown prince will be 100% vindicated, exonerated

Talal detained last year by crown prince  
Talal said detention "forgiven and forgotten"

Talal freed (after) reached financial settlements with authorities
Talal denied torture in custody, that officials stripped him of his wealth

My comments :  Look at the picture of Al Waleed Talal - after his release from "imprisonment".  He looks cadaverous. Reports say that during his imprisonment he was hung upside down and beaten. He had to pay huge fines, liquidate his assets and transfer them to the King.  The present day Talal is much poorer in health and in wealth. 

His statement above could be a taunt at the Saudi government. Being sarcastic. 

But I doubt Talal can talk to Fox News without the OK of the Saudi secret police.  Talal must have been told to make comments to pre-empt the "official investigation" which will say that "rogue elements" got carried away or the "interrogation of Khashoggi went rogue" or some crap like that,  thus "vindicating" the Crown Prince. 

The fact that Talal's interview appeared on pro Trump US Fox News just yesterday (Sunday 4th November, 2018) just TWO DAYS after Erdogan's article appeared in the Washington Post on 2nd November shows that the Saudis and Turkey are carrying out a media war through the American press.

This is Muslim Brotherhood versus the al Saud. 

Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey versus Saud, the US and Israel. 
Lets see what happens. 

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