PKR membership list could have been rigged for bribe - sources

EXCLUSIVE | Investigators believe that elements of bribery were involved to register phantom voters into PKR membership list, said MACC sources.
This manipulation, added the highly-placed sources, was allegedly done to allow the givers to use the phantom voters' details to rig PKR's online voting in their favour.
"We believe that what these people wanted to do was to manipulate the online voting system using details of (alleged) phantom voters, who had been registered as PKR members.
"This was supposedly done by using the MyKad number and details of these phantom voters to cast votes on their behalf, as everything is done online in the election," said a source.
However, the source declined to reveal which camp in PKR they suspected of having attempted the rigging.
Another source said investigators believe that those who helped to manipulate the online system had done so for gratification.
The sources said MACC was also investigating if bribes were given to individuals whose details were used as PKR phantom members.
Investigators are now looking for several people whom they believe were responsible for collecting the personal details.
"We received information that some of them had gone into hiding soon after a report was lodged with MACC over this allegation."
MACC deputy chief commissioner of operations Azam Baki confirmed that the commission was looking into elements of bribery in investigating irregularities in PKR membership.
He, however, declined to divulge further details.
It was reported that MACC had on Friday arrested a PKR man in charge of its membership over alleged registration of phantom voters.
MACC had also paid a visit to PKR headquarters in Petaling Jaya on Thursday, where its investigators confiscated several documents before calling one of its employees for questioning. - Mkini

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