More veteran leaders will join Bersatu, says Rais

KUALA LUMPUR: More veteran leaders from several states are expected to join Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, says Tan Sri Dr Rais Yatim.
Its Negri Sembilan chief, however, declined to divulge names, saying that the party leadership is currently vetting the names of those interested.
"I can't say who they are because this will complicate matters. An agreement has been requested so that we don't make any premature announcements that will affect certain individuals. We just wait.
"There are many of them but it's not right to give out their names because they choose according to their own time and schedule.
."At a certain time, they will give their own comments," said Dr Rais when met after the launch of the art exhibition Splendours of Malaysia - Paintings of Ethnic Cultures of the Land at Wisma Kebudayaan Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) here on Sunday (11 Nov).
Dr Rais said former Wanita Umno chief and former international trade and industry minister Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, who recently expressed her wish to join Bersatu, chose to do so in her own time and pace.
"So will be the case with several veteran politicians from Johor, Kelantan and even Kedah, who have voiced out their views and wish (to join Bersatu)," said Dr Rais.
He said the names will be decided by the leadership as it takes time to vet the candidates to ensure that they are not involved in wrongdoings such as graft.
"It will be done in stages according to states. There are also young ones looking to join, and not just veterans," he said.
However, he said that as Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had warned before, their entrance into the party must be made sincerely and with good intentions, and not to gain positions.
Destructive old habits such as corruption and sidelining the Federal Constitution must be left behind by those who wish to join the party, he said.
Dr Rais added that what was important for the party was to modify the administration of its headquarters.
He said this is to improve its productivity as there had been issues where membership registrations took a long time and so did the issuance of membership cards.
Earlier, Dr Mahathir launched the art exhibition by renowned local artists Ismail Embong and his daughter actress Emma Maembong. - Star

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