PAC postpones proceedings on 1MDB, GST refunds

Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has announced the postponement of its first proceeding on the 1MDB scandal which was slated to be held today.
PAC chairperson Ronald Kiandee, however, did not set a new date for the proceeding and did not include the reason of the postponement in his three-paragraph statement issued today.
"The PAC today has postponed the proceeding of 1MDB involving witness former auditor-general Ambrin Buang to a date which will be decided," said Kiandee.
It is believed the PAC made the decision due to the ongoing charges in courts that involve 1MDB and former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Pakatan Harapan had entrusted the PAC to reopen its probe into the 1MDB scandal and the committee had decided to call the former auditor-general as its first witness.
Meanwhile, Kiandee also said the PAC proceeding on the refund of goods and services tax (GST), which was slated to be held tomorrow, will be postponed to Nov 14.
Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng will be called as a witness in the GST refunds proceeding.
Lim told the Dewan Rakyat on Aug 7 and 8 that RM19.4 billion in GST refunds were stolen by the previous BN-led government.
Police investigated the matter and have recorded a statement from Lim.
Former Prime Minister Najib Razak claimed Lim did not understand the correct accounting standard used which was a "mistake anyone can make." - Mkini

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