JoLo Has Not Committed Any Crime In China Just Like Zakir Naik Has Not Committed Any Crime In Malaysia.

Hishammuddin Hussein offered full cooperation to police hunting JoLo  
PDRM and Chinese authorities established network on this matter Hisham said 
He said his close contacts in China have been informed of his visit on the matter
“If Jho Low’ in China,  why has Chinese govt not handed him over to us?” 

My comments :  When the Indians want Zakir Naik back in India to answer questions, our reply was 'Zakir Naik has not committed any crimes in Malaysia'.
Using that same argument, the Chinese can say the same thing as well. JoLo has not committed any crimes in China.  
Lets digress a little - about extraditions and extradition treaties. 
This was the situation in the world BEFORE we had Interpol, before we had extradition treaties, before we had the United Nations and international organisations and treaties.  
Criminals could commit crimes in one country and run away to another country. Then when the first country asked the second country to send back the fugitive criminal the first country will say, 'He has not committed any crime in our country'.
One of the most famous cases of this situation was Ronald Biggs and his Great Train Robbery.   
Ronald Biggs was not a western cowboy in Texas or Arizona. He lived in Britain and robbed the British Postal Train in 1963. Here is a quickie but fascinating story about Ronald Biggs' 'Great Train Robbery'.

Ronald Biggs (8 August 1929 – 18 December 2013) carried out Great Train Robbery of 1963. Became notorious for his escape from prison in 1965, living as a fugitive for 36 years, and for his various publicity stunts while in exile. 
In 2001, he returned to the UK and spent several years in prison, where his health rapidly declined. Biggs was released from prison on compassionate grounds in August 2009 and died in a nursing home in December 2013.
Great Train Robbery (1963)
Biggs, needed money to fund a deposit on a house for his family
He happened to work (as a carpenter) on the house of a train driver. 
He was the one who introduced Biggs to the train robbery plot.
The gang stopped the mail train from Glasgow to London early hours of 8 Aug 1963.
Unloaded 120 of the 128 mailbags from the train 
Robbery yielded £2.6 million (equivalent to £49 million in 2017); Biggs's share was £147,000 (equivalent to £2,824,900 in 2018). 
In 1964, nine of the 15-strong gang, including Biggs, were jailed for the crime. Most received sentences of 30 years
In 1965 Briggs escaped from prison and ran away first to Australia where he lived until 1970. Then in 1970 he moved to Rio De Janeiro in Brazil where he lived until 2001. 
In 1997 UK and Brazil ratified extradition treaty.  UK Government made a formal request for Biggs's extradition.  Rejected by Brazilian Supreme Court. Giving Biggs the right to live in Brazil for the rest of his life. 
In March 1981, Biggs kidnapped by British ex-soldiers. The boat they took him aboard suffered mechanical problems off Barbados, and the stranded kidnappers and Biggs were rescued by the Barbados coastguard and towed into port in Barbados. Biggs was sent back to Brazil.
Biggs returned to the UK in 2001. He was immediately jailed. On 18 December 2013, aged 84, Biggs died at the Carlton Court Care Home in Barnet, north London
The story of Ronald Biggs is really fascinating - as most great crimes cases tend to be. But Briggs train robbery was run of the mill. His escape from prison, living in hiding in Australia, then running away to Brazil where he lived for 31 years, played music, recorded songs, had affairs, fathered children, was abducted,  returned to Brazil, returned to the UK, jailed again, grew old, was released from jail and finally died in 2013 is one long story.

He could live safely in Brazil because the Brazilians for some reason did not wish to have him extradited back to the UK. 
Ok back to Jo Lo. As Hishamuddin and the Police have said, JoLo is believed to be in China. This 'JoLo in China' news has been doing the rounds for some time now.
Talk is JoLo is under some sort of 'house arrest' in China.   Or, that JoLo will NOT be allowed to leave China.  Tun Dr Mahathir's visit to China may have sealed JoLo's fate while he is in China.
So JoLo is not going to be appearing at the party scene in Los Angeles or in the south of France. Not for a long time. 
I think there are reasons why he is being kept in China. 
Most likely there is some type of time table.
My interest is the security of our country. 
We need to answer those phone calls from India.

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