YOURSAY | ‘Supremacy is subjugating, oppressing others for your own selfish ends...’
Gerard Lourdesamy: Why must the government engage with Malay/Muslim extremists? They did not vote for Pakatan Harapan in GE14. Most of them supported Umno or PAS.
While they claim not to be defending discrimination and racism, their actions and words speak louder. These are people who see shadows everywhere.
The Ketuanan Melayu/Islam philosophy is so ingrained in them that even after 1,000 years, they will still be advocating special privileges, segregation and suspicion of other races and religions in the country.
The majority of Malaysians voted for change including respect for human rights and fundamental liberties. Ratification of all the major UN human rights conventions was also a manifesto promise of Harapan. So it should be implemented.
Articles 1 (4), 2 (2) and 20 of UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd) permit reservations in respect of Articles 3, 152, 153 and 181 of the Federal Constitution on the basis that the objectives of the affirmative action or positive discrimination policies in favour of Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak have yet to be fully achieved.
Since Articles 3 and 153 do not derogate from Articles 5, 8, 11, 12 and 136 of the Constitution, the reservations to be entered in respect of Articles 3, 152, 153 and 181 of the Constitution are permissible, compatible and not inhibitive to the objects and purpose of Icerd.
The reservations are also permitted under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969.
Cogito Ergo Sum: It was Umno who destroyed the Malays for over 60 years. And along the way, all others were dragged down as well.
The affirmative action New Economic Policy (NEP) policy was used surgically to keep the majority of bumiputera in poverty so that the elite could carry on enjoying the privileges meant for the downtrodden.
The income inequality was carefully calculated in order to keep the policy going infinitum. After 48 years of NEP, I think the majority of all Malaysians are worse off than we were in 1969.
Icerd threatens the continued use of this policy to serve the elite. No wonder, these NGOs are all aligned to Umno/BN who wants a return to the old corrupt way of getting things done.
StrainingGnats, SwallowCamels: You don't actually mean "sovereignty." Sovereignty means the freedom to make your own decisions pertaining to your own affairs; not over the affairs of others. What you mean and want is “supremacy” over the affairs and lives of others.
There is no basis for this in this present universe or the next. Supremacy is subjugating, oppressing others for your own selfish ends without any respect for the rights of others.
As supremacists, you go beyond your own rights to determining and defining the rights for others like minorities, women, etc, for your own selfish advantage. These "others" also enjoy "sovereignty" which is equal to yours, naturally endowed and self-evident.
Supremacy is wicked, wanton and clearly irreligious and immoral. Surely, that is the opposite of what you good people stand for. Otherwise, the religion is merely a dress you wear. And a tool, a means to the selfish and self-destructive end, grabbing from others.
For the sake of learning, which section of any sacred text can be cited to justify what you demand? Which portion of generally accepted social philosophy can you summon to support what you want from others?
The universe is in harmony when the sovereignty of all is respected. Let's work together towards that end in the new Malaysia. Why not succeed by your own effort? Then we can all be proud of our own work.
Newday: This demonstration of racist and religious extremism has been put together by PAS and the extreme right elements in Umno.
What do they expect to achieve in this demonstration of racist and religious lies and deceit? Look at what the UN convention is - to eliminate all forms of discrimination. A noble, moral and ethical aim.
The fundamentals of the Quran and other religions' texts support the aims contained within the UN convention as all are equal in the eyes of God.
Yet, you lot who proclaim to be the righteous ones, actually completely go against God’s word as handed down to mortal man. You lot are a clear danger to the society in Malaysia becoming more open, civil and tolerant and you want to clearly keep this status quo.
You are all extremely selfish and are bastardising God’s word.
Idiocracy: PAS wants to uphold racial discrimination? Enough of protecting rights to be lazy and waiting for handouts.
So PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, what is your stance? You were the embodiment of Ketuanan Melayu since Merdeka and you told the rakyat you have since changed.
Please tell us if you are still dilemma-stricken. Say it out loud. And DAP, let us hear your voice, as your roars are turning into whimpers.
Vent: It is dire and desperate times for these rabid rent-seekers and free-loaders. The gravy train has ground to a sudden halt and the drivers are keeping all the slush to themselves. Nothing to be shared generously anymore.
So rant and rave they must to cling on to the last glimmer of hope enshrined in the constitution somewhere and actualised as Ketuanan Melayu.
Without that verily I say these rabble-rousers will die. For who will feed them?
Vijay47: All ye Malay-Muslim NGOs, I have no problem with your carrying a coffin to Parliament and it is none of my business if your guiding light is one Jamal Mohd Yunos presently enjoying public hospitality.
In your book, it appears that equality means unequal, that the Malays are somehow entitled to eternal special rights.
Pray tell me, how long more is this nonsense supposed to continue, isn’t 60 years more than enough for you to uplift yourself even as the non-Malays achieve it through their own efforts? Don’t you have enough pride to finally stop begging at least now?
Further, it appears that you, all of you, are blind to the elephants in the room merrily making off with the abundant fruits of the favouritism policy while your staple is still nasi lemak.
By the way, on your return from Parliament, please do not discard the coffin into some bushes in the Lake Gardens, the coffin may become an appropriate residence for some members of PAS and similar-minded creatures.
Rippoh2016: First off, let me say that I am not a Muslim. However, this involves ratifying an international convention against all forms of racial discrimination. Aren't all religions against racial discrimination?
Logically speaking, Islam does not support any form of racial discrimination because there are Muslims from all races around the world, so if these people are against the ratification, are they saying that their brand of Islam supports or promotes racial discrimination? - Mkini
Source | https://malaysiansmustknowthetruth.blogspot.com/2018/11/yoursay-ketuanan-melayu-not-about.html
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