Trust me! The man wanted to donate

The khalwat squad caught me in a car with a man. They shone a torch through the window, demanded that I roll it down, and asked me why there was a man in my car.
So, I told them that I could not find a parking spot.
They pointed to an empty car park behind me, so I explained that I could not walk, because I had a knee problem. I pointed to my walking stick on the back seat.
The religious officers looked at one another, stroked their goatees, turned their backs to me, then after a few seconds of consultation, gave me the all clear.
They agreed that the walking stick was proof I could not walk. I breathed a sigh of relief. I thought that they would make me walk in a straight line, for 10 metres, like the test that police use when they suspect a driver is drunk.
While they were deliberating over me, I feared the worst. I thought they would charge me with close proximity, or for fabricating stories about donations from Arab princes.
I did not want to be punished with six strokes of the rotan, like the two women who were found naked in a carpark in Terengganu, holding a variety of "shower heads", KY jelly and "special glass beads".
If only writers could earn a lot of money...
My car is a clapped out Perodua Kancil; if only writers could earn a lot of money, like the politicians. Don't we all dream of owning a Mazda CX-5, a Volkswagen Tiguan, or a Toyota Harrier?
There isn't much room inside a Perodua Kancil, so if anyone with a big frame were to get into the passenger seat, our elbows and the tops of our thighs will make contact. That is how cramped the Perodua is, but I call it cosy.
The man had come into the car because he wanted to donate RM4,000 for the running of my website. A generous contribution towards a few videos and some more cybersecurity features for a few months. The website is called "NADYMM" which is short for "Not A Datuk Yet Mariam Mokhtar".
I know I will be able to work harder once I become a Datuk Seri, so readers will have to be patient until I rename my website DSMM. If you're given an award, flaunt it.
I have always encouraged Malaysians to be involved in "halal" activities, like positively criticising the new Pakatan Harapan administration, so the donation would come in very useful.
For some inexplicable reason, the man was eager to hand over his donation to me at 11.30pm that night, and to chat with me about my writing. It could have waited till the morning but he was adamant.
I don't know why he did not use his Smartphone to talk to me. The car appears to be replacing the office as a meeting point (remember the man who waylaid the minister of defence to have a chat with him in his ministerial car?), even though the Smartphone is supposed to free people up from meeting and wasting time. Why meet when a phone call would suffice?
Perhaps, the man has not registered for internet banking and is not confident of sending money or cheques through the post. Perhaps, his aide, who does all his donkey work, was away.
My best friend was apprehensive about the meeting, but then she said, "He's a Datuk, he must be all right" - which in her language translates to "there will be no hanky-panky". She has always been a bit slow and naive.
Did the khalwat squad question the man in the passenger seat? No. They let him go. In fact he ran off in tears, at the first sign of the torch shining on my face.
I hope he has not foolishly decided to make a police report, then I would have to find him and speak to his family, and "persuade" them to retract the statement because it was all a simple misunderstanding. I hope I do not have to hand over my  donation to his family to appease them.
There have been a number of "misunderstandings" with ministers, in the past. WikiLeaks exposed a "VVIP" who was later identified to be a former minister, who had allegedly raped his maid in 2007.
The maid's sorry tale was told to Indonesia's Migrant Care, and later reported by The Jakarta Globe. The scandal affected the minister's chances of a high profile position overseas, but it was business as normal, in the cabinet of former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Malaysians are angry with former ministers, and the children of ministers of the previous political elite. They swept their crimes under the carpet because they knew they were "The untouchables".
Many other sexual assaults have escaped justice. The women have been silenced, their families threatened, or paid off. How many young women have been murdered, because they were a threat to someone of great importance?
This time last year, a 56-year old MIC branch leader pestered the mother of a teenager, to urge her daughter to have sex with him, in exchange for work. What happened to that investigation? MIC is not the only party involved. There are other sexual predators in the Umno-Baru/BN coalition who have not been brought to justice.
We were also shaken by the sexual harassment of female workers in WWF-Malaysia. If it can happen to the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), an international organisation, it can also happen in local companies.
Will the women come forward, or will they bring their shame to the grave, because they know that no-one will believe them, because the police and politicians protect these sexual deviants?
By the way, I will sue anyone who makes adverse comments about the man in the car, or about me.

MARIAM MOKHTAR is a defender of the truth, the admiral-general of the Green Bean Army and president of the Perak Liberation Organisation (PLO). BlogTwitter. - Mkini

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